
whelcum ta Pipcoin! weh gunna batle Bitcoin en wen! weh wen soo hards! mem coin 4 da wens! wen mun? mun now!

Hai, em Pipden!

i iz Pip, ledor ov teh flellosip ov duh rang an lurd ov da Wite Sity! funder ov Pipcoin! em stronk, braiv, curagius, an hanzom azz elph! Weh ryd et don for da muun! Weh beet bitcoin en batle! fur da Shyire!


pHazE 1: iz dun. naxt!

PhAze 3: bet Bitcoin gud!

PhaZE 3: becum dark lurd weh winz!



$Pipcoin is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. It is for entertainment purposes only There is no formal team or roadmap. It is completely useless other than the thrill and enjoyment of the Pip meme.

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